With so many Delray Beach elementary school choices, from Palm Beach County choice schools (lottery) and charter schools to Delray Beach’s public elementary schools and private schools, the decision can be overwhelming!
As a Delray Beach resident I spent hours and HOURS researching Delray Beach elementary school choices for my daughters. After visiting every one (as well as others in surrounding cities lol), I am sharing my notes below in hopes to help another neighbor make the right choice as well.
Palm Beach Choice Program Application DEADLINE: January 27, 2023
Delray Beach Public Elementary Schools
Banyan Creek Elementary School
4243 Sabal Lakes Rd
(561) 894-7100
Grades: PreK through 5th Grade
Programs: VPK, Technology, Gifted
Admissions: Live within attendance zone (see map) OR apply for the technology choice program OR apply for the gifted program OR apply for controlled open enrollment / reassignment
VPK: Apply for VPK (Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten) directly with the school (only 20 seats available) VPK application
Middle School: Carver Middle School for most residents in the attendance zone. Banyan graduates will receive a choice program lottery advantage for Don Estridge High Tech Middle School.
Notes: Known for their excellent gifted program. Does not have a dress code.
Website: https://bces.palmbeachschools.org/
Orchard View Elementary School
4050 Old Germantown Rd
(561) 894-7400
Grades: Pre-K through 5th Grade
Programs: VPK (6-hr), Gifted
Admissions: Live within attendance zone (see map) OR apply for the gifted program OR apply for reassignment / open enrollment
Middle School: Carver Middle School for most residents in the attendance zone
Notes: Received B grade in 2019, not graded 2020-21 due to Covid. Has a dress code.
Website: https://oves.palmbeachschools.org/

Acrylic mural painting by Sharon Koskoff at Pine Grove Elementary School in Delray Beach
Pine Grove Elementary School
400 SW 10th St
(561) 266-1100
Grades: Pre-K through 5th Grade
Programs: VPK (10-hr), Gifted
Admissions: Live within attendance zone (see map) OR apply for reassignment / open enrollment
Middle School: Carver Middle School for most residents in the attendance zone
Notes: Received C grade in 2019, not graded 2020-21 due to Covid. Has a dress code
Website: https://pges.palmbeachschools.org/
Plumosa School of the Arts
2501 Seacrest Blvd, Delray Beach, FL 33444
Phone: (561) 330-3900
Grades: K through 8th Grade
Programs: Art, Dual Language, ESOL
Admissions: Live within attendance zone (see map) OR apply for the Fine Arts OR Dual Language choice program OR apply for open enrollment / reassignment
Middle School: Plumosa just opened its middle school, 6-8th grade in 2021
Notes: Green School. Updated / recently remodeled. K-5 has dress code.
Website: www.plumosasoa.com
Delray Beach Choice Schools / Lottery Schools / Charter Schools

Credit: Palm Beach Post
Bridgeprep Academy of Palm Beach
9085 Happy Hollow Rd
(561) 708-4548
Grades: K through 8th Grade
Notes: Tuition Free Charter School
Website: www.bridgeprepacademy.com
Morikami Park Elementary School
6201 Morikami Park Rd
(561) 894-7300
Grades: K through 5th Grade
Programs: International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP)
Admissions: Apply for the International Baccalaureate choice program (must be first choice, over 1000 applicants and ~150 will get in.)
Middle School: Nearby Carver Middle School features an IB program
Notes: Blue Ribbon School, Rated best Palm Beach county elementary school 2022, Awarded 2021-22 Schools of Excellence by the
Website: www.palmbeachschools.org/MorikamiParkElementary
S.D. Spady Elementary School
901 NW 3rd St
(561) 454-7800
Grades: PK3 through 5th Grade
Programs: Montessori, ESOL
Admissions: Apply for the Montessori choice program
Website: www.palmbeachschools.org/SDSpadyElementary
Village Academy School
400 SW 12th Ave
(561) 243-6100
Grades: K through 12th Grade
Programs: Advancement Via Individual Determination
Admissions: Register through PBCS www.palmbeachschools.org/students/studentreginfo/
Website: www.palmbeachschools.org/VillageAcademy
To apply for Choice Programs, parent/guardian and student must be full-time residents of Palm Beach County. A lottery will select students for the choice program. Children of parents working at the school, military parent/guardians in active duty, siblings of current students and SACs (neighborhoods designated as attendance zones, usually 1-2 mile radius around school) will receive an advantage in the lottery selection process Read more about the choice program here
Delray Beach Private Elementary Schools

American Heritage School of Boca/Delray
American Heritage School
6200 Linton Blvd
(561) 495-7272
Grades: PK3 through 12th Grade
Tuition: www.ahschool.com/boca-delray-campus/admissions/tuition
Programs: Independent non-sectarian and co-educational college preparatory day school
Notes: #1 Private School in Palm Beach County for Highest Number of National Merit Scholar. Only 900 students. Must pass academics readiness test to be accepted.
Website: www.ahschool.com/boca-delray-campus
Divine Savior Academy
15935 Lyons Rd
(561) 359-3090
Grades: Preschool through 8th Grade
Programs: Christian Academy, Toddler program available
Tuition: Click here for 2023 rates
Notes: Delray is a newer campus. Also have locations in Doral, FL and Texas
Gulf Stream School
3600 Gulf Stream Road
Gulf Stream, FL 33483
Grades: PreK (age 3) – 8th grade
Notes: Independent private school with a heritage of fostering educational excellence for Pre-kindergarten, Lower School, and Middle School students.
Tuition: www.gulfstreamschool.org/admission/tuition-tuition-assistance/
Trinity Lutheran School
400 N Swinton Ave
Phone: (561) 276-8458
Grades: PK3 through 8th Grade
Programs: Lutheran Church School
Tuition: Click here for 2023 rates
Notes: Small class sizes and excellent value private school.
Website: www.trinitydelray.org/school
St Joseph’s Episcopal School
3300 Seacrest Blvd (Delray / Boynton line)
Phone: (561) 732-2045
Grades: PreK through 8th Grade
Programs: Episcopal Church School
Notes: Early childhood academy starting at 6 months old.
Tuition and details: www.sjsonline.org/admissions
St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic School
810 George Bush Blvd
(561) 278-3868
Grades: VPK through 8th Grade
Programs: Catholic Church School
Tuition: Click here for 2023 tuition
Notes: Specializes in science, technology, religion, engineering, the arts, and mathematics (S.T.R.E.A.M.)
Website: www.stvfschool.org
Unity School
(561) 276-4414
Grades: Preschool (age 2) – 8th grade
Programs: Montessori Preschool, Non-denominational private school
Middle School: Click here for 2023 tuition
Notes: Only 320 students and 75 faculty members.
Website: www.unityschool.com
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